openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: payment-payin-work-redriver API version: 1.0.0 servers: - url: /api/payment-payin-work-redriver/v1 paths: /dlq: get: summary: SPA responses: "200": description: SPA main screen "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' /dlq/info: get: summary: List visible queues operationId: dlq_info parameters: [ ] responses: "200": description: Information about the visible queues content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueInfo' x-content-type: application/json "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' security: - OAuth2: - /dlq/ui/{asset}: get: summary: UI assets parameters: - name: asset in: path description: the relative path of the asset required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: favicon.ico responses: "200": description: Asset "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' /dlq/{name}/delete: post: summary: Delete the items operationId: dlq_delete parameters: - name: name in: path description: the name of the queue from which to delete messages required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string requestBody: description: a list of message ReceiptHandle values content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string responses: "205": description: "Items deleted, reset view" "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' /dlq/{name}/redrive: post: summary: Redrive the selected items operationId: dlq_redrive parameters: - name: name in: path description: the name of the DLQ from which to redrive messages required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string requestBody: description: "a list of message ID/ReceiptHandle pairs. ID is needed to republish,\ \ ReceiptHandle to remove from DLQ. Process starts by ChangingVisility to\ \ protect messages, then SendMessage on original source queue, and on success,\ \ DeleteMessage for the original messages." content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/name_redrive_body' responses: "205": description: "Items deleted, reset view" "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' /dlq/{name}/purge: post: summary: purge the whole queue operationId: dlq_purge parameters: - name: name in: path description: the name of the queue to purge required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string responses: "205": description: "Success, reset views" "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' /dlq/{name}/release: post: summary: Release the items for reception by resetting their VisibilityTimeout to 0 operationId: dlq_release parameters: - name: name in: path description: the name of the queue to poll required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string requestBody: description: a list of message ReceiptHandle values content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string responses: "200": description: Asset "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' /dlq/{name}/items: get: summary: Get the first items ready to be received in a queue operationId: dlq_items parameters: - name: name in: path description: the name of the queue to poll required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: limit in: query description: the maximum number of items to return required: false style: form explode: true schema: maximum: 10 type: integer default: 10 responses: "200": description: A list of messages content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message' x-content-type: application/json "500": description: Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SPAError' security: - OAuth2: - components: schemas: QueueURL: type: string description: The absolute URL to the queue example: QueueARN: type: string description: the Amazon resource name (ARN) of the queue. example: arn:sqs:eu-west-3:12345678901234:some_queue Message: type: object properties: attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message_attributes' body: type: string description: not url-encoded md5_of_body: type: string description: An MD5 digest of the non-URL-encoded message body string. md5_of_message_attributes: type: string description: "An MD5 digest of the non-URL-encoded message attribute string.\ \ You can use this attribute to verify that Amazon SQS received the message\ \ correctly. Amazon SQS URL-decodes the message before creating the MD5\ \ digest. For information about MD5, see RFC1321 (" message_id: type: string receipt_handle: type: string description: "An identifier associated with the act of receiving the message.\ \ A new receipt handle is returned every time you receive a message. When\ \ deleting a message, you provide the last received receipt handle to\ \ delete the message." example: md5_of_message_attributes: md5_of_message_attributes receipt_handle: receipt_handle attributes: sequence_number: 5 approximate_first_receive_timestamp: 0 approximate_receive_count: 1 sent_timestamp: 1 sender_id: ABCDE1F2GH3I4JK5LMNOP:i-a123b456 message_id: message_id body: body md5_of_body: md5_of_body SPAError: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Free string describing the error example: message: an error message QueueInfo: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "The queue name, for both human and machine use" url: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueURL' attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueInfo_attributes' example: name: name attributes: visibility_timeout: 2 last_modified_timestamp: 2 approximate_number_of_messages_delayed: 6 created_timestamp: 5 delay_seconds: 5 redrive_policy: maxReceiveCount: 4 deadLetterTargetArn: arn:sqs:eu-west-3:12345678901234:some_queue redrive_allow_policy: source_queue_arns: - null - null redrive_permission: "" message_retention_period: 9 maximum_message_size: 7 queue_arn: arn:sqs:eu-west-3:12345678901234:some_queue approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible: 1 approximate_number_of_messages: 0 receive_message_wait_time_seconds: 3 url: name_redrive_body: type: object properties: id: type: string receipt_handle: type: string Message_attributes: type: object properties: # AWSTraceHeader approximate_first_receive_timestamp: type: integer approximate_receive_count: minimum: 1 type: integer # MessageDeduplicationId # MessageGroupId sender_id: type: string description: IAM user or role example: ABCDE1F2GH3I4JK5LMNOP:i-a123b456 sent_timestamp: type: integer sequence_number: type: integer example: sequence_number: 5 approximate_first_receive_timestamp: 0 approximate_receive_count: 1 sent_timestamp: 1 sender_id: ABCDE1F2GH3I4JK5LMNOP:i-a123b456 QueueInfo_attributes_redrive_policy: type: object properties: deadLetterTargetArn: type: string description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages after the value of maxReceiveCount is exceeded. maxReceiveCount: type: integer description: "The number of times a message is delivered to the source queue\ \ before being moved to the dead-letter queue. Default 10. When the ReceiveCount\ \ for a message exceeds the maxReceiveCount for a queue, Amazon SQS moves\ \ the message to the dead-letter-queue." description: the parameters for the dead-letter queue functionality of the source queue example: maxReceiveCount: 4 deadLetterTargetArn: arn:sqs:eu-west-3:12345678901234:some_queue_dlq QueueInfo_attributes_redrive_allow_policy: type: object properties: redrive_permission: type: string description: The permission type that defines which source queues can specify the current queue as the dead-letter queue. enum: - allowAll - denyAll - byQueue source_queue_arns: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueARN' description: the permissions for the dead-letter queue redrive permission and which source queues can specify dead-letter queues. example: source_queue_arns: - null - null redrive_permission: "" QueueInfo_attributes: type: object properties: approximate_number_of_messages: type: integer description: he approximate number of messages available for retrieval from the queue. approximate_number_of_messages_delayed: type: integer description: the approximate number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately. This can happen when the queue is configured as a delay queue or when a message has been sent with a delay parameter. approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible: type: integer description: the approximate number of messages that are in flight. Messages are considered to be in flight if they have been sent to a client but have not yet been deleted or have not yet reached the end of their visibility window. created_timestamp: type: integer description: the time when the queue was created in seconds (epoch time). delay_seconds: type: integer description: the default delay on the queue in seconds. last_modified_timestamp: type: integer description: the time when the queue was last changed in seconds (epoch time). maximum_message_size: type: integer description: the limit of how many bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. message_retention_period: type: integer description: "the length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS retains\ \ a message. When you change a queue's attributes, the change can take\ \ up to 60 seconds for most of the attributes to propagate throughout\ \ the Amazon SQS system. Changes made to the MessageRetentionPeriod attribute\ \ can take up to 15 minutes and will impact existing messages in the queue\ \ potentially causing them to be expired and deleted if the MessageRetentionPeriod\ \ is reduced below the age of existing messages." # policy: queue_arn: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueARN' receive_message_wait_time_seconds: type: integer description: "the length of time, in seconds, for which the ReceiveMessage\ \ action waits for a message to arrive." visibility_timeout: type: integer description: seconds a message remains hidden after being received. Max 43200. redrive_policy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueInfo_attributes_redrive_policy' redrive_allow_policy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueueInfo_attributes_redrive_allow_policy' example: visibility_timeout: 2 last_modified_timestamp: 2 approximate_number_of_messages_delayed: 6 created_timestamp: 5 delay_seconds: 5 redrive_policy: maxReceiveCount: 4 deadLetterTargetArn: arn:sqs:eu-west-3:12345678901234:some_queue_dlq redrive_allow_policy: source_queue_arns: - null - null redrive_permission: "" message_retention_period: 9 maximum_message_size: 7 queue_arn: arn:sqs:eu-west-3:12345678901234:some_queue approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible: 1 approximate_number_of_messages: 0 receive_message_wait_time_seconds: 3 # KmsMesterKeyID: # KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds: # SqsManagerSseEnabled: # FifoQueue: # DeduplicationScope # FifoThroughputLimit securitySchemes: OAuth2: type: oauth2 flows: authorizationCode: authorizationUrl: tokenUrl: scopes: user: Get user rights