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HTMX chapter 4

Starter Attributes

  • hx-[delete|get|patch|post|put] - AJAX method to use
  • hx-swap
    • innerHTML - Default, replace hx-target inner html.
    • outerHTML - Replace the hx-target itself
    • beforebegin - Insert before hx-target
    • afterbegin - Insert before hx-target first child
    • beforeend - Insert after hx-target last child
    • afterend - Insert response after hx-target
    • delete - Deletes hx-target regardless of the response.
    • none - No swap.
  • hx-target: CSS selector for hx-swap action
  • hx-trigger: comma-separated list of events triggering a request, often the default:
    • On input, textarea, select: change
    • On form: submit
    • On all other elements: click
    • Filters:
    • in [] after the event name
    • Example: keyup[ctrlKey && key == 'l'] to catch CTRL-L
    • Specify event source with from:<extended CSS selector>,
    • defaults to current element
    • Example: from:body to receive events from the whole body
    • Complete spec:
  • hx-include:
    • when hx-post-ing outside a form, specify which elements to include, as if they had been in a form along with the posting button
    • supports matching on multiple comma-separated selectors
  • hx-vals: value as a JSON string or JS dynamic value
    • example: hx-vals='{"state":"MT"}'
    • example: hx-vals='js:{"state":getCurrentState()}'

Extended CSS selectors

  • support multiple comma-separated selectors, but...
    • hx-target: return first matching element from first selector (?)
    • hx-trigger from: and hx-include: return first matching child
  • relative selectors:
    • closest: closest parent matching selector
    • (previous|next):: previous or next element (not necessarily sibling) matching selector
    • find: next child matching selector
    • this: the current element