/* Operators --------- CoffeScript JavaScript == is === != isnt !== not ! and && or || true yes on true false no off false */ var Decaf, addCaffeine, base, base1, base2, coffee, cupsOfCoffee, level, message, paid, pour; paid = coffee = pour = function() {}; if (paid() && coffee() === true) { pour(); } addCaffeine = Decaf = function() {}; if (!Decaf()) { addCaffeine(); } if (!Decaf()) { addCaffeine(); } // Combined range checks level = 4; if ((2 < level && level < 5)) { alert("In range"); } // Functional switch. message = (function() { switch (cupsOfCoffee) { case 0: return 'Asleep'; case 1: return 'Eyes open'; case 2: return 'Buzzed'; default: return 'Dangerous'; } })(); // Existential check: not undefined and not null. if (typeof cupsOfCoffee !== "undefined" && cupsOfCoffee !== null) { alert('Exists'); } if (typeof cupsOfCoffee !== "undefined" && cupsOfCoffee !== null) { alert('Exists'); } // Not strictly identical to the two shorter forms below. if (typeof cupsOfCoffee === "undefined" || cupsOfCoffee === null) { cupsOfCoffee = 0; } if (cupsOfCoffee == null) { cupsOfCoffee = 0; } if (cupsOfCoffee == null) { cupsOfCoffee = 0; } if (typeof coffeePot !== "undefined" && coffeePot !== null) { coffeePot.brew(); } if (typeof vehicle.start_engine === "function") { if (typeof (base = vehicle.start_engine()).shift_gear === "function") { if (typeof (base1 = base.shift_gear()).crank === "function") { if (typeof (base2 = base1.crank()).press_gas === "function") { base2.press_gas(); } } } } //# sourceMappingURL=3-2-operators.js.map