storeLocations1 = [ 'Orlando' 'Winter Park' 'Sanford' ] # Beware, this doesn't compile correctly: # storeLocations.forEach(location, index) -> # It uses it as a forEach(location, index) call with a () => {} callback # So be sure to add the space. storeLocations1.forEach (location, index) -> console.log "Location #{index}: #{location}" # Or use something more idiomatic: for location, index in storeLocations1 console.log "Location #{index}: #{location}" # List comprehensions console.log "Location #{index}: #{location}" for location, index in storeLocations1 # In this case, the parentheses are essential storeLocations2 = ("#{loc}, FL" for loc in storeLocations1) # Without them, the whole "storeLocations = ..." part is run for each loc. console.log storeLocations2 geoLocate = (loc) -> return "#{loc}, USA" # Applying a filter to a list comprehension console.log (geoLocate(loc) for loc in storeLocations1 when loc isnt 'Sanford') storeLocations3 = (loc for loc in storeLocations1 when loc isnt 'Sanford') console.log(storeLocations3)