var attrs, coffee, coffees, to_print; coffee = { name: 'French', strength: 1 }; console.log(coffee); // Spaced-out writing coffee = { name: 'French', strength: 1 }; console.log(coffee); coffee = { name: 'French', strength: 1, brew: function() { return console.log(`Brewing ${}`); }, pour: function(amount = 1) { if (amount === 1) { return "Poured a single cup"; } else { return `Poured ${amount} cups`; } } }; coffee.brew(); console.log(coffee.pour()); console.log(coffee.pour(2)); coffees = { french: { strength: 1, in_stock: 20 }, italian: { strength: 2, in_stock: 12 }, decaf: { strength: 0, in_stock: 0 } }; console.log(coffees); for (coffee in coffees) { attrs = coffees[coffee]; // For key, value of object. Notice how the "for" applies to everything to its // left, including the console.log. console.log(`${coffee} has ${attrs.in_stock}`); } // It compiles exactly like this: for (coffee in coffees) { attrs = coffees[coffee]; console.log(`${coffee} has ${attrs.in_stock}`); } to_print = (function() { var results; results = []; for (coffee in coffees) { attrs = coffees[coffee]; if (attrs.in_stock > 0) { results.push(`${coffee} has ${attrs.in_stock}`); } } return results; })(); console.log(to_print.join(", ")); //#