import React from "react"; import { Form } from "./Form"; import { shallow, configure } from "enzyme"; import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16"; import toJson from "enzyme-to-json"; import { api } from "./api"; configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); const makeChangeEvent = value => ({ currentTarget: { value } }); const nullFn = () => null; const updateInput = (wrapper, instance, newValue) => { const input = wrapper.find(instance); input.simulate("change", makeChangeEvent(newValue)); // Now updated by the event. return wrapper.find(instance); }; describe("
", () => { let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow(); }); // opted-in by default: have to opt-out (!) // actually input their information // submits the form, calls the api method // matches snapshot it("should receive default promotions as true", () => { const promotionInput = wrapper.find("[data-testid='checked']"); expect(promotionInput.props().checked).toBe(true); }); it("should allow users to fill out form", () => { const expectations = { "name": "Tyler", "email": "", "number": "42", // User inputs in test fields are strings, even when numeric. }; const actual = {}; for (const [input, expected] of Object.entries(expectations)) { actual[input] = updateInput(wrapper, `[data-testid="${input}"]`, expected); } for (const [input, expected] of Object.entries(expectations)) { expect(actual[input].props().value).toBe(expected); expect(actual[input].getElement().props.value).toBe(expected); } const promotionInputPre = wrapper.find("[data-testid='checked']"); promotionInputPre.simulate("click"); const promotionInputPost = wrapper.find("[data-testid='checked']"); expect(promotionInputPost.props().checked).toBe(false); }); it("should submit the form to the API", () => { const expectations = { "name": "Tyler", "email": "", "number": "42", // User inputs in test fields are strings, even when numeric. }; for (const [input, expected] of Object.entries(expectations)) { updateInput(wrapper, `[data-testid="${input}"]`, expected); } // Ensure addUser is called on submit, but we're not testing the API, so mock it. jest.spyOn(api, "addUser").mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: "New user added" })); const submit = wrapper.find("[data-testid='addUserForm']"); submit.simulate("submit", { preventDefault: nullFn }); expect(api.addUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith(...Object.values(expectations)); }); it("should match snapshot", () => { expect(toJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });