import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; // import {bootstrapItem} from "../../../node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/ast-tools"; export enum ReportItemType { food = 'Food', travel = 'Travel', training = 'Training', transport = 'Transport', unselected = '' } export type ReportItem = { description: string; amount: number; hasReceipt: boolean; type: ReportItemType; date: Date; }; // A ReportItem with all keys optional. export type ReportItem2 = { // All properties same as ReportItem. // [P in keyof ReportItem]?: ReportItem[P] // All properties optional [P in keyof ReportItem]?: ReportItem[P] } // A Generic for any object with all keys optional. type Optional = { // All properties optional [P in keyof T]?: T[P] } // Same as ReportItem2 but using the generic. export type ReportItem3 = Optional; // Same again, using the TS builtin for this. export type ReportItem4 = Partial; // All keys readonly. export type ReportItem5 = Readonly; // ReportItem again. export type ReportItem6 = Required; // Only keep 3 keys export type ReportItem7 = Pick; function validateRequired(item: ReportItem): boolean { // false is a valid value for these, so exclude them from check. const exclude: (keyof ReportItem)[] = ['hasReceipt']; return Object.keys(item) .reduce((isValid, memberKey: keyof ReportItem) => { if (!isValid) { return isValid; } if (memberKey === 'date') { // date is of type Date, because of the keyof typing. const date = item[memberKey]; if (date < new Date(1970)) { return false; } } return exclude.includes(memberKey) || !!item[memberKey]; }, true); } function validateFoodItem(item: ReportItem): string { if (item.amount >= 50 && !item.hasReceipt) { return 'A food item with a value greater than $50 must have a receipt'; } return ''; } function validateReceipt(item: ReportItem): string { return item.hasReceipt ? '' : 'The item must have a receipt'; } function validateTraining(item: ReportItem): string { if (item.amount < 50 && !item.hasReceipt) { return ''; } return 'A training item with a value greater than $50 must have a receipt'; } const validateDate = (minDate: Date, maxDate: Date) => (item: ReportItem): string => { return >= +minDate && <= +maxDate ? '' : 'The date is invalid'; }; @Injectable() export class ReportItemService { private validateDate: (item: ReportItem) => string; constructor() { const today = new Date(); const maxDate = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate()); const minDate = new Date(maxDate); minDate.setMonth(-3); this.validateDate = validateDate(minDate, maxDate); } isValid(item: ReportItem): string { if (!validateRequired(item)) { return 'One of the required fields was not filled.'; } switch (item.type) { case { const validatedFood = validateFoodItem(item); if (validatedFood) { return validatedFood; } return this.validateDate(item); } case return validateTraining(item); case ReportItemType.transport: case { const validatedReceipt = validateReceipt(item); if (validatedReceipt) { return validatedReceipt; } return this.validateDate(item); } case ReportItemType.unselected: default: return 'The item type is not supported'; } } }