import React from "react"; import Prompt from "../components/Prompt"; class PromptContainer extends React.Component { constructor(props, context, updater) { super(props, context, updater); this.state = { username: "" }; // No autobind with ES6 classes without ES7 autobind decorators this.handleSubmitUser = this.handleSubmitUser.bind(this); this.handleUpdateUser = this.handleUpdateUser.bind(this); } handleSubmitUser(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log("oSU", this); let username = this.state.username; this.setState({ username: "" }); if (this.props.routeParams.playerOne) { // Go to battle this.context.router.push({ pathname: "battle", query: { playerOne: this.props.routeParams.playerOne, playerTwo: this.state.username } }); return; } this.context.router.push(`playerTwo/${this.state.username}`); } handleUpdateUser(e) { console.log("oUU", this); this.setState({ username: }); } render() { return ( ); } } // Initializing via static properties is es7 only. PromptContainer.contextTypes = { router: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired }; PromptContainer.defaultProps = {}; PromptContainer.propTypes = {}; export default PromptContainer;