# Active Links One way that `Link` is different from `a` is that it knows if the path it links to is active so you can style it differently. ## Active Styles Let's see how it looks with inline styles, add `activeStyle` to your `Links`s. ```js // modules/App.js
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  • ``` Now as you navigate, the active link is red. ## Active Class Name You can also use an active class name instead of inline-styles. ```js
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  • ``` We don't have a stylesheet on the page yet though. Lets add one--extra points if you can add a `link` tag from memory. Double extra points if you can leave the attributes unquoted, against your better judgement. ```html ``` And the css file: ```css .active { color: green; } ``` You'll need to manually refresh the browser since Webpack isn't building our `index.html`. ## Nav Link Wrappers Most links in your site don't need to know they are active, usually just primary navigation links need to know. It's useful to wrap those so you don't have to remember what your `activeClassName` or `activeStyle` is everywhere. Create a new file at `modules/NavLink.js` that looks like this: ```js // modules/NavLink.js import React from 'react' import { Link } from 'react-router' export default React.createClass({ render() { return } }) ``` Now you can go change your links to `NavLink`s. ```js // App.js import NavLink from './NavLink' // ...
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  • ``` Oh, how beautiful upon the renders is the composability of components. --- [Next: Params](../06-params/)