# account-base package ## Files documented * accounts_common.js * accounts_server.js * accounts_rate_limit.js * globals_client.js * globals_server.js * package.js * url_client.js * url_server.js ## Architecture The accounts system is founded on the `users` collection and the notion of login tokens, which allow reconnecting. Connections have observers based on the Mongo implementation. ## Collections * `users`. Indexes (other indexes are added by other packages, like `account-password`: * `('username', {unique: 1, sparse: 1});` * `('emails.address', {unique: 1, sparse: 1});` * `('services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken', {unique: 1, sparse: 1});` * `('services.resume.loginTokens.token', {unique: 1, sparse: 1});` * `('services.resume.haveLoginTokensToDelete', { sparse: 1 });` : For taking care of logoutOtherClients calls that crashed before the tokens were deleted. * `"services.resume.loginTokens.when", { sparse: 1 });` : For expiring login tokens ## Constants * `DEFAULT_LOGIN_EXPIRATION_DAYS` = 90. Default login token lifetime. Used by `AccountsCommon_getTokenLifetimeMs()`. * `MIN_TOKEN_LIFETIME_CAP_SECS` = 3600. Maximum value of "soon". Used by `AccountsCommon._tokenExpiresSoon(when)`. * `EXPIRE_TOKENS_INTERVAL_MS` = 100000. Frequency of token expiration checks. Used by `setExpireTokensInterval(accounts)` in `accounts_server.js`. * `CONNECTION_CLOSE_DELAY_MS` = 10000. Logout delay for other clients. Used by `Meteor.logoutOtherClients()`, added from `accounts_server.js`. ## Classes ### `AccountsClient extends AccountsCommon` (`accounts_client.js`) * `constructor(options)` * `options``: * `connection`: optional DDP connection to reuse * `ddpUrl`: optional DDP URL to create a new connection * calls parent constructor * initializes properties: * `_loggingIn`: "private", use `loggingIn()`/`setLoggingIn()` for reactivity * `_loggingInDeps`: Tracker dependency * `_loginServicesHandle`: subscription to `meteor.loginServiceConfiguration` * `_pageLoadLoginCallbacks`: an array of page loading callbacks * `_pageLoadLoginAttemptInfo`: holds the information passed to login callbacks during a page-load login attempt * invokes `_initUrlMatching()` (from `url_client.js`) * invokes `_initLocalStorage()` (from `localstorage_token.js`) * `callLoginMethod(options)`: call login method on the server * A login method is a method which on success calls `this.setUserId(id)` and `Accounts._setLoginToken` on the server and returns an object with fields 'id' (actually `userId` (containing the user id), 'token' (containing a resume token), and optionally `tokenExpires`. * This function takes care of: * Updating the `Meteor.loggingIn()` reactive data source * Calling the method in `wait` mode * On success, saving the resume token to localStorage * On success, calling `Accounts.connection.setUserId()` * Setting up an `onReconnect` handler which logs in with the resume token * Running `onLoginHook` or `onLoginFailureHook` then the `userCallback` option * Options: * `methodName`: The method to call (default `login`) * `methodArguments`: The arguments for the method * `validateResult`: If provided, will be called with the result of the method. If it throws, the client will not be logged in (and its error will be passed to the callback). * `userCallback`: Will be called with no arguments once the user is fully logged in, or with a single-element array containing the error on error. * `loggingIn()`: reactive getter for `_loggingIn` * `loginServicesConfigured()`: A reactive function returning whether the `loginServiceConfiguration` subscription is ready. Used by `accounts-ui` to hide the login button until we have all the configuration loaded * `logout(callback)`: logs the user out: * call `connection.logout()` * clear token * invoke callback * `logoutOtherClients(callback)`: Log out other clients logged in as the current user, but does not log out the client that calls this function. **Interesting logic** to execute two method calls without having the event loop run between them. * `makeClientLoggedIn()`: helper for `callLoginMethod()` * `makeClientLoggedOut()`: helper for `logout()` and reconnect errors * `onPageLoadLogin(f)`: Register a callback to be called if we have information about a login attempt at page load time. Call the callback immediately if we already have the page load login attempt info, otherwise stash the callback to be called if and when we do get the attempt info. * `userId()` overrides pseudo-abstract parent method to use the per-connection user id. * `_pageLoadLogin(attemptInfo)`: * `_setLoggingIn()`: setter for `_loggingIn` (triggers reactive update) * `url_client.js` additions: * `_attemptToMatchHash()` : Try to match the saved value of window.location.hash to one of the reserved hashes, to trigger an Accounts operation. On success, invokes passed handler which, when called from `_initUrlMatching()`, will always be `defaultSuccessHandler()`. * `_initUrlMatching()`: called by constructor. Inits extra data on instance and invokes `_attemptToMatchHash()` * `onResetPasswordLink()` Register a function to call when a reset password link is clicked in an email sent by on of the hash handlers. See [Accounts-onResetPasswordLink](http://localhost:3333/#Accounts-onResetPasswordLink) * `onEmailVerificationLink()` Register a function to call when an email verification link is clicked in an email sent by a hash handler. See [Accounts-onEmailVerificationLink](http://localhost:3333/#Accounts-onEmailVerificationLink) * `onEnrollmentLink()` Register a function to call when an account enrollment link is clicked in an email sent by a hash handler. See [Accounts-onEnrollmentLink](http://localhost:3333/#Accounts-onEnrollmentLink) * Globals read * `window.location.hash`. Reserved hashes: * `reset-password` * `verify-email` * `enroll-account` * `defaultSuccessHandler()` * `attemptToMatchHash()` ### `AccountsCommon` (`accounts_common.js`) Base class for `AccountsClient` / `AccountsServer`. * `constructor(options)`. * initializes `connection`, then `users`. * Options can contain: * `connection`, `ddpUrl` see `initConnection()` * `sendVerificationEmail`, `forbidClientAccountCreation`, `restrictCreationByEmailDomain`, `loginExpirationInDays`, and `oauthSecretKey` (side-effect, not saved). see `config(options)` * `addDefaultRateLimit()` : enable per-connection, per-method rate limiter for `login`, `createUser`, `resetPassword` `forgotPassword` to 5 calls every 10 seconds. Added from `accounts_rate_limits.js`. * `config(options)`. Set up config for the accounts system. Call this on both the client the server. Overridden in server. * Checks and filters options, before saving them to `_options`. * Setting an unknown option throws * Setting an already set option throws * Options can contain: * `sendVerificationEmail` {Boolean}: Send email address verification emails to new users created from client signups. * `forbidClientAccountCreation` {Boolean} Do not allow clients to create accounts directly. [Security issue #828](https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/828) exists if this is not called on both client and server * `restrictCreationByEmailDomain` {Function or String} Require created users to have an email accepted by the function (by returning trueish) or having the string match the domain as a case-insensitive fully-anchored regex. See `defaultValidateNewUserHook()`. * `loginExpirationInDays` {Number} Number of days since login until a user is logged out (login token expires). * `oauthSecretKey` When using the `oauth-encryption` package, the 16 byte key using to encrypt sensitive account credentials in the database, encoded in base64. * Warns if the `oauth-encryption` package is not present * Throws if used on client * Removed from saved config after passing if to the `oauth-encryption` package * `ConfigError`: legacy, initialized from `service-configuration` package during `Meteor.startup()`. * `connection`: the MongoDB connection. If set to null, the `users` collection will be local (avoid !) * `LoginCancelledError`: specific error class to use when a login sequence is cancelled * `loginServiceConfiguration`: legacy, initialized from `service-configuration` package during `Meteor.startup()`. * `removeDefaultRateLimit()` : disable the rate limiter for the methods below (from `accounts_rate_limits.js`). * `user()`: returns the currently logged-in user by finding it from Mongo based on the `userId()` value. Defaults to `null`. * `userId()`: `Error("userId method not implemented")` Basically an abstract method to be refined in child classes * `users`: the users collection * `onLogin(func)`: Register a callback to be called after a login attempt succeeds. * `onLoginFailure(func)`: Register a callback to be called after a login attempt fails. * `_getTokenLifetimeMs()`: get the remaining login token lifetime in msec. Taken from `loginExpirationInDays` if it exists. Defaults to `DEFAULT_LOGIN_EXPIRATION_DAYS` (= 90) days in msec. * `_initConnection(options)` - Options can contain * `connection`: the connection on which to load the `users` collection * `ddpUrl`: if connection is not set, connect to this URL * some non-portable, going-away, mechanism for OAuth * if none if available, `Meteor.connection` will be used as a default * `_onLoginHook()`. As per hook.js, Hook system is under development. Use `onLogin(func)` to make use of it. * `_onLoginFailureHook()`. As per hook.js, Hook system is under development. Use `onLoginFailure(func)` to make use of it. * `_options = {}` - used directly by packages like `accounts-password` and `accounts-ui-unstyled. * `_tokenExpiration(when)`: `when` is a token (timestamp, used to be any number in earlier versions). It is converted to Date, and added with `_getTokenLifetimeMs()` to return the expiration date for the `when`. * `_tokenExpiresSoon(when)`: `when` is a token (timestamp). True if it expires in less the smaller of `0.1 * _getTokenLifetimeMs()`and 1 hour. * **side-effect** in `accounts_rate_limits.js` : loading this file initializes the rate-limiter for `addDefaultRateLimit()` and `removeDefaultRateLimit()`. This is why the package has a dependency on `ddp-rate-limiter`. ### `AccountsServer extends AccountsCommon` (`accounts_server.js`) * `constructor(server)` * invokes the `AccountsCommon` constructor * initializes `_server` from the server argument if not empty, defaulting to `Meteor.server` otherwise * initializes methods using `_initServerMethods()` * initializes `_accountData` using `_initAccountDataHooks()` * if `autopublish` is present, mark user fields as published: * for everyone: `profile` and `username` * for current user only: `emails` * publishes account system collections using `_initServerPublications()` * sets up the `users` collection using `setupUsersCollection(users)`. * sets up the default login handler using `setupDefaultLoginHandlers()`. * sets up token expiration using `setExpireTokensInterval(accounts)`. * initializes `_validateLoginHook` * initializes `_validateNewUserHooks` to the single `defaultValidateNewUserHook()`. * deletes saved tokens for all users using `_deleteSavedTokensForAllUsersOnStartup()` * initializes `_skipCaseInsensitiveChecksForTest`: used by tests only. * `addAutopublishFields(opts)`: allow packages to declare extra fields when autopublish is active. * `config(options)`: overrides parent method, but starts by invoking it. Option: * `loginExpirationInDays`: removes the background token expiration observer * `destroyToken(userId, loginToken)`: Deletes the given loginToken from the database. For new-style hashed token, this will cause all connections associated with the token to be closed. * `defaultResumeLoginHandler(accounts, options)`: Login handler for resume tokens. The token is found in `options.resume`. * `defaultValidateNewUserHook(user)`: Validate new user's email or Google/Facebook/GitHub account's email, if the `restrictCreationByEmailDomain` config option is active. * `insertUserDoc(options, user)`: main user account creation function, used by `accounts-password`: * clone user document, to protect from modification * add createdAt timestamp * prepare an _id, so that you can modify other collections (eg create a first task for every new user) * invoke the user create callback (hook) and validateNewUser hooks, throwing a 403 on any validation fail. * insert the document in the collection, throwing a 403 on some insertion errors * Apparently not completely stable yet. From doc: * _XXX If the onCreateUser or validateNewUser hooks fail, we might end up having modified some other collection inappropriately. The solution is probably to have onCreateUser accept two callbacks - one that gets called before inserting the user document (in which you can modify its contents), and one that gets called after (in which you should change other collections)_ * _XXX better error reporting for services.facebook.id duplicate, etc_ * `onCreateUser(func)`: registers `func` as the single user creation hook allowed. * `registerLoginHandler(name, handler)`: The main entry point for auth packages to hook in to login. A login handler is a login method which can return `undefined` to indicate that the login request is not handled by this handler. * `name` {String} Optional. The service name, used by default if a specific service name isn't returned in the result. * `handler` {Function} A function that receives an options object (as passed as an argument to the `login` method) and returns one of: `undefined`, meaning don't handle; or a login method result object as described on `_loginUser`. * `setExpireTokensInterval(accounts)`: starts a low-frequency (`EXPIRE_TOKENS_INTERVAL_MS` = 10 sec) task expiring tokens. Can be deactivated using `config({ loginExpirationInDays: null })`. * `setupDefaultLoginHandlers()`: registers `defaultResumeLoginHandler()` as a login handler called `resume` using `registerLoginHandler()`. * `setupUsersCollection(users)` : configures the `users` collection obtained from the parent constructor, by applying `users.allow` to limite update rights to the document for the current user, and ensuring multiple MongoDB indexes: * `username` : `{unique: 1, sparse: 1})` * `emails.address`: `{ unique: 1, sparse: 1})` * `services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken`: `{unique: 1, sparse: 1})` * `services.resume.loginTokens.token`: `{ unique: 1, sparse: 1})` * `services.resume.haveLoginTokensToDelete`: `{ sparse: 1 })` * `services.resume.loginTokens.when`: `{ sparse: 1 })` * `updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService(serviceName, serviceData, options)`: Updates or creates a user after we authenticate with a 3rd party. * `@param serviceName` {String} Service name (eg, twitter). * `@param serviceData` {Object} Data to store in the user's record under services[serviceName]. Must include an "id" field which is a unique identifier for the user in the service. (Side note: there is a specific kludge for old Twitter ids). * `@param options` {Object, optional} Other options to pass to insertUserDoc (eg, profile) * `@returns` {Object} Object with `token` and `id` (actually `userId`) keys, like the result of the `login` method. * "internal" services `resume` and `password` may not use this * does NOT update `profile` but updates `serviceData` * Not completely stable. Per docs: _XXX provide an onUpdateUser hook which would let apps update the profile too_ * `userId()`: overrides the unimplemented version in `AccountsCommon`. This function only works if called inside a method, throws otherwise. * `usingOAuthEncryption()`: is OAuth encryption present AND is a key loaded ? * `validateLoginAttempt(func)`: registers `func` as a login attempt validation hook, returning an object with a `stop()` method to unregister it. * `validateNewUser(func)`: register `func` as a user account creation validation hook, not returning anything. * `_accountData`: see `setAccountData()`. * `_attemptLogin(methodInvocation, methodName, methodArgs, result)`: After a login method has completed, call the login hooks: validation (which can turn allowed into disallowed), and login or loginFailure hooks. Note that `attemptLogin` is called for *all* login attempts, even ones which aren't successful (such as an invalid password, etc). If the login is allowed and isn't aborted by a validate login hook callback, log in the user. Use `_loginMethod()` instead. * `_clearAllLoginTokens(userId)`: removes all login tokens on a user identified by `userId``. * `_deleteSavedTokensForAllUsersOnStartup()`: on `Meteor.startup()`, immediately clean discovered saved tokens which applied to the previous instance of the application. * `_deleteSavedTokensForUser(userId, tokensToDelete)`: used by the delayed logout (CONNECTION_CLOSE_DELAY_MS) in obsolete method `logoutOtherClients()` and helper for `_deleteSavedTokensForAllUsersOnStartup()` to logout other clients. * `_expireTokens(oldestValidDate, userId)`: Deletes expired tokens from the database and closes all open connections associated with these tokens. Exported for tests. Also, the arguments are only used by tests. oldestValidDate is simulate expiring tokens without waiting for them to actually expire. userId is used by tests to only expire tokens for the test user. **Side-effect** The observe on Meteor.users will take care of closing connections for expired tokens. * `_failedLogin()`: invokes the `AccountsCommon.onLoginFailureHook` implementations. * `_generateStampedLoginToken()`: generates a pseudo-random login token. As per docs: "Used by Meteor Accounts server and tests". * `_getAccountData(connectionId, field)`: get the login token for a connection. Documented as a "**HACK**: This is used by 'meteor-accounts' to get the loginToken for a connection. Maybe there should be a public way to do that.". Also used by `_getLoginToken()`. * `_getLoginToken(connectionId)`: gets the login token for a connection, using the `_getAccountData()` hack. * `_getUserObserve(connectionId)`: test helper - returns the user observed on a connection * `_hashLoginToken(loginToken)`: hashes a token with sha256, returning the hash in base64 encoding. * `_hashStampedToken(stampedToken)`: modifies a stamped token from `{ token: ..., ... }` to `{ hashedtoken: ..., ... }` * `_initAccountDataHooks()`: add a DDP `onConnect` callback which * stores the connection in `_accountData[connection.id]` * add a DDP `onClose` callback removing the current user token from the connection using `_removeTokenFromConnection(connection.id);` and removing the connection stored in `_accountData[connection.id]` on connection. * `_initServerMethods()`: adds the account-related methods defined by the class. See `_server._methodHandlers`. * `_initServerPublications()`: starts account-related publications: * `meteor.loginServiceConfiguration` from the (OAuth) service configuration. If encryption is used, the `secret` field is not published * `users` cursor publish: * no autopublish and logged: just fields `profile`, `username`, and `emails` for the current user if applicable, * no autopublish and not logger: `null` * autopublish and logged: all autopublished fields for current user, including those added by other packages using `addAutopublishFields(forLoggedInUser)` * autopublish and not logged: `_id` and `username` (if available) for all users, and fields added by other packages using `addAutopublishFields(forOtherUsers)` * `users` anonymous with more fields, * `_insertHashedLoginToken(userId, hashedToken, query)`: add a hashed token to the `services.resume.loginTokens` array on a user account. Do (incorrectly ?) says an index error can be thrown if the token is already present (as per MongoDB docs, it just does nothing) * `_insertLoginToken(userId, stampedToken, query)`: test helper combining `_insertHashedLoginToken()` and `_hashStampedToken()` * `_loginHandlers`: list of all registered handlers. Starts as `[]`. * `_loginMethod(methodInvocation, methodName, methodArgs, type, fn)` the safe version of `_attemptLogin()` is the one to use to login a user. * `_loginUser(methodInvocation, userId, stampedLoginToken)`: Log in a user on a connection after success. Returns `{ id: userId, token: stampedLoginToken.token, tokenExpires: self._tokenExpiration(stampedLoginToken.when) };`. Invoked from `_attemptLogin()`. * `_nextUserObserveNumber`: the next observer number for `_userObservesForConnections`. * `_removeTokenFromConnection(connectionId)`: remove an observer token from a connection. * `_reportLoginFailure(methodInvocation, methodName, methodArgs, result)`: Report a login attempt failed outside the context of a normal login method. This is for use in the case where there is a multi-step login procedure (eg SRP based password login). If a method early in the chain fails, it should call this function to report a failure. * `_runLoginHandlers(methodInvocation, options)`: Checks a user's credentials against all the registered login handlers, and returns a login token if the credentials are valid. It is like the login method, except that it doesn't set the logged-in user on the connection. Works by invoking `tryLoginMethod()` on each handler until one returns something not undefined. Throws Error 400 on incorrect options for a handler, or a handler returning neither undefined nor a result object as described on `_loginUser`. * `_server`: a `Server` (from `ddp-server/livedata_server.js`) instance. Notable properties in this context: * `_methodHandlers`: the Meteor methods table * `login(options)`: runs `result = _runLoginHandlers(self, options); _attemptLogin(self, "login", arguments, result);`. The method ensures `options` is an object, but it is up to login handlers to check whatever field they look at in options: Meteor doesn't check them. * `logout()`: deletes the login token for the connection with `destroyToken` and clears the current user id using method `setUserId(null)`. * `logoutOtherClients()`: obsolete for compatibility with 0.7.2, use `getNewToken()` and `removeOtherTokens()` instead * `getNewToken()`: Generates a new login token with the same expiration as the connection's current token and saves it to the database. Associates the connection with this new token and returns it. Throws an error if called on a connection that isn't logged in. * `removeOtherTokens()`: Removes all tokens except the token associated with the current connection. Throws an error if the connection is not logged in. Returns nothing on success. * `configureLoginService(options)`: Allow a one-time configuration for a login service. Modifications to this collection are also allowed in insecure mode. Option keys: * `service`: String, required. The name of the service to configure. **Bug** : this method can only be used to configure OAuth login providers. There is a XXX in the code about this problem having to be fixed, either by moving use of `service`to the `accounts-oauth` package, or to move the list of services from `accounts-oauth` to `accounts-base` * `_setAccountData(connectionId, field, value)`: modifies or deletes data from a connection kept on `_accountData`. * `_setLoginToken(userId, connection, newToken)`: replaces any token for a user on a connection with a new token. If the latter is not empty, sets up an observer for the token. * `_successfulLogin()`: invokes the `AccountsCommon.onLoginHook` implementations. * `_testEmailDomain(email)`: checks user email matches the domain configured in the `restrictCreationByEmailDomain` config option. Used by `defaultValidateNewUserHook()`. * `_userObservesForConnections`: observe handle for the login token that this connection is currently associated with, or a number. The number indicates that we are in the process of setting up the observe (using a number instead of a single sentinel allows multiple attempts to set up the observe to identify which one was theirs). Numbers obtained from `_nextUserObserveNumber`. * `_validateLogin(connection, attempt)`: perform login validation using available implementations in `_validateLoginHook`. Note that all validators run even if one or more of them denies access or throws an error. The first reported error is the one the user receives by default, but later validators may override this behavior. Invoked from `_attemptLogin()`. * `_validateLoginHook`: holds a login validation hook. Doc in `hook.js` warns "This pattern is under development. Do not add more callsites using this package for now" * `_validateNewUserHooks`: holds an array of new user hooks. * note about methods. These 3 methods are public but marked (in 1.2.1) as likely not to remain so: * `resetPassword()` : generates a password reset link (from token) * `verifyEmail()`: generates an email verification link (from token) * `enrollAccount()`: generates an account enrollment link (from token) ### `AccountsTest` * methods * `attemptToMatchHash()` facade for `attemptToMatchHash()` function * Globals read * `Accounts` (see `globals_server.js`) ### Meteor * `userId`: a copy of the `Accounts.usedId()` method * `user()`: a copy of the `Accounts.user()` method ## Functions ### `accounts_server.js` * `defaultCreateUserHook(options, user)`: __XXX see comment on Accounts.createUser in passwords_server about adding a second "server options" argument._ * `defaultValidateNewUserHook()` a weak email validation method based on the domain name. See `AccountsServer._validateNewUserHooks`. * `cloneAttemptWithConnection(connection, attempt)` clone the attempt object, preserving the connection inside it instead of cloning it too * `pinEncryptedFieldsToUser(serviceData, userId)`: OAuth service data is temporarily stored in the pending credentials collection during the oauth authentication process. Sensitive data such as access tokens are encrypted without the user id because we don't know the user id yet. We re-encrypt these fields with the user id included when storing the service data permanently in the users collection. * `tryLoginMethod(type, fn)`: Try a login method, converting thrown exceptions into an {error} result. The `type` argument is a default, inserted into the result object if not explicitly returned. ### `url_client.js` * `defaultSuccessHandler()` : suspends autologin, invokes other handles for the same hash, passing them a closure capable of enabling autologin. ## Dependencies / Exports (`package.js` _et al._) ### Exports | Symbol | Client | Server | Test | |------------------|:------:|:------:|:----:| | Accounts | O | O | O | | AccountsClient | O | | | | AccountsServer | | O | | | AccountsTest | | | O | ### Dependencies | Package | Client | Server | Specifics | |-----------------------|:------:|:-------:|------------| | underscore | O | O | | ecmascript | O | O | | ddp-rate-limiter | O | O | | localstorage | O | | | tracker | O | | | check | | O | | random | O | O | | ejson | | O | | callback-hook | O | O | | service-configuration | O | O | unordered (needs Accounts.connection) | ddp | O | O | | mongo | O | O | expected abstraction in the future | blaze | O | | weak: define {{currentUser}} | autopublish | | O | weak: publish extra users fields | oauth-encryption | | O | weak | NPM crypto | | O | in accounts_server.js | ## Package-local variables ### `accounts-server.js` * `OAuthEncryption`: if package `oauth-encryption` is present, contains its `encryption` export. Used by OAuth-related functions in this package. ## Exported Objects (`(accounts|globals)_(client|server).js`) * `Accounts` * on client: `new AccountsClient()` (extends `AccountsCommon`) * on server: `new AccountsServer(Meteor.server)` (extends `AccountsCommon`) * `Meteor` * new field `users` for the `users` collection. Name is expected to become configurable in future versions. * on client: `Meteor.loggingIn()` is an alias for `Accounts.loggingIn()`. * on client: `Meteor.logout()` is an alias for `AccountsClient.logout()`. * on client: `Meteor.logoutOtherClients()` is an alias for `AccountsClient.logoutOtherClients()`. * Template helpers (with Blaze / Spacebars only): * `currentUser` -> `Meteor.user()`. * `loggingIn` -> `Meteor.loggingIn()`. ## Side-effects If OAuth encryption is present and a key is loaded, the startup code in `accounts_server.js` seals the `secret` field in `ServiceConfiguration` exported by the `service-configuration` package. This appears to be unstable, as per docs: _XXX For the oauthSecretKey to be available here at startup, the developer must call Accounts.config({oauthSecretKey: ...}) at load time, instead of in a Meteor.startup block, because the startup block in the app code will run after this accounts-base startup block. Perhaps we need a post-startup callback?_