// this is image_share.js Images = new Mongo.Collection("images"); if (Meteor.isClient) { Template.images.helpers({ images: Images.find({}, { sort: { createdOn: -1, rating: -1 }}), image_id: function () { return "rating-" + this._id; } }); Template.images.events({ "click .js-image": function (event) { $(event.target).css("width", "50px"); }, "click .js-del-image": function (event) { let imageId = this._id; console.log(imageId); // use jquery to hide the image component // then remove it at the end of the animation $("#" + imageId).hide("slow", function () { Images.remove({ _id: imageId }); }); }, "click .js-rate-image": function (event) { let rating = $(event.currentTarget).data("userrating"); let imageId = this.id.substring(7); // "rating-".length = 7. console.log(imageId); Images.update({ _id: imageId }, { $set: { rating: rating }} ); }, "click .js-show-image-form": function (event) { $("#image_add_form").modal("show"); } }); Template.image_add_form.events({ 'submit .js-add-image': function (event) { let img_src = event.target.img_src.value; let img_alt = event.target.img_alt.value; console.log("src: " + img_src + " alt: " + img_alt); Images.insert({ img_src: img_src, img_alt: img_alt, createdOn: new Date() }); $("#image_add_form").modal('show'); return false; } }); }