Meteor._debug("Loading lib/drupalsso"); if (Meteor.isClient) { var stream = new Meteor.Stream(CHANNEL_NAME); } /** * The SSO constructor. * * Notice that the returned SSO instance has asynchronous behavior: its state * component will only be initialized once the server callback has returned, * which will almost always be some milliseconds after the instance itself is * returned: check to ensure the connection attempts is done: * - undefined -> not yet * -> false -> failed, values are defaults, * -> true -> succeeded,valuers are those provided by the server. * * @returns {DrupalSSO} * @constructor */ DrupalSSO = function () { // Called without `new`: call with it. if (!(this instanceof DrupalSSO)) { return new DrupalSSO(); } // Work around "this" interpretation in local scope methods. var that = this; this.settings = { client: {} }; this.state = { anonymousName: 'anome', cookieName: 'SESS___4___8__12__16__20__24__28__32', // Online is only set once the initialization has completed. online: undefined }; var user = { uid: 0, name: 'undefined name', roles: ['anonymous user'] }; var userDep = new Tracker.Dependency(); this.getUserId = function () { userDep.depend(); return user.uid; }; this.getUserName = function () { userDep.depend(); return; }; this.getUserRoles = function () { userDep.depend(); return user.roles; }; /** * Update the user information from the Drupal server based on the cookies. * * @param {string} cookies */ this.updateUser = function (cookies) { if (Meteor.isClient) { Meteor._debug('Setting up once on ' + CHANNEL_NAME); // Just listen once, since we rearm immediately. stream.once(EVENT_NAME, function (e) { that.updateUser(document.cookie); }); }'drupal-sso.whoami', cookies, function (err, res) { if (err) { throw new Meteor.Error('whoami', err); } _.extend(user, res); userDep.changed(); }); }; /** * Parse a cookie blob for value of the relevant session cookie. * * @param {string} cookieBlob * @returns {undefined} */ this.getSessionCookie = function (cookieBlob) { cookieBlob = '; ' + cookieBlob; var cookieName = that.state.cookieName; var cookieValue; var cookies = cookieBlob.split('; ' + cookieName + "="); if (cookies.length == 2) { cookieValue = cookies.pop().split(';').shift(); } return cookieValue; }; /** * Initialize the server-only part of the SSO settings. * * This method needs to be invoked on the server-side SSO instance: it cannot * be invoked during construction, because the instance is not yet ready. * * @param {Object} settings */ this.initServerState = function (settings) { that.settings['drupal-sso'] = settings['drupal-sso']; }; // Constructor body: // - Merge public settings to instance. _.extend(that.settings.client, Meteor.settings.public); // - Initialize server-dependent state.'drupal-sso.initState', function (err, res) { if (err) { throw new Meteor.Error('init-state', err); } _.extend(that.state, res); if (Meteor.isClient) { that.updateUser(document.cookie); } }); };