@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ name: 'fgm:errors',
+ version: '0.0.1',
+ // Brief, one-line summary of the package.
+ summary: 'A pattern to display application errors to the user',
+ // URL to the Git repository containing the source code for this package.
+ // git: '',
+ // By default, Meteor will default to using README.md for documentation.
+ // To avoid submitting documentation, set this field to null.
+ // documentation: 'README.md'
+Package.onUse(function(api) {
+ var where = 'client';
+ api.versionsFrom('');
+ api.use(['minimongo', 'mongo-livedata', 'templating'], where);
+ api.addFiles(['errors.js', 'errors_list.html', 'errors_list.js'], where);
+ if (api.export) {
+ api.export('Errors');
+ }
+Package.onTest(function(api) {
+ api.use('tinytest');
+ api.use('fgm:errors');
+ api.addFiles('errors-tests.js');