Comments = new Mongo.Collection('comments'); Meteor.methods({ commentInsert: function (commentAttributes) { check(this.userId, String); check(commentAttributes, { postId: String, body: String }); var user = Meteor.user(); var post = Posts.findOne(commentAttributes.postId); if (!post) { throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-comment', 'You must comment on a post'); } var comment = _.extend(commentAttributes, { userId: user._id, author: user.username, submitted: new Date() }); // Update the post with the number of comments. Posts.update(comment.postId, { $inc: { commentsCount: 1 } }); // Create the comment, save its id. comment._id = Comments.insert(comment); // Now create a notification, informing the post author that there's been a // comment created on their post. createCommentNotification(comment); return comment._id; } });