# Microscope Microscope is a simple social news app that lets you share links, comment, and vote on them. It was built with [Meteor](http://meteor.com) as a companion app to [The Meteor Book](http://themeteorbook.com), and is the "little brother" of [Telescope](http://telesc.pe), the (much more complex) open-source social news app that was the inspiration for the book. Microscope itself is free and open-source, and is a good example of common Meteor app patterns such as: - Routing - User Accounts - Notifications - Errors - Publications/Subscriptions - Permissions ## This Repository The commits to this repository are organized in a very linear fashion, corresponding to progress throughout the book. Commits are tagged in the format `chapterX-Y`, indicating the `Y`th commit of chapter `X`. Also, note that as the book focuses on _development_, all CSS is committed in a single commit early on. ### Branches There are 2 branches in this repository which correspond to advanced code that is covered in sidebars of the book, and outside of the main code progression. They are tagged `sidebarX-Y`, corresponding to the sidebar number in the book. ### Developing on Nitrous.IO Start hacking on this app on [Nitrous.IO](https://www.nitrous.io/?utm_source=github.com&utm_campaign=Microscope&utm_medium=hackonnitrous) in seconds: [![Hack DiscoverMeteor/Microscope on Nitrous.IO](https://d3o0mnbgv6k92a.cloudfront.net/assets/hack-l-v1-3cc067e71372f6045e1949af9d96095b.png)](https://www.nitrous.io/hack_button?source=embed&runtime=nodejs&repo=DiscoverMeteor%2FMicroscope&file_to_open=README.nitrous.md)