# mongodb_duplicates ## Install - Prerequisites: - Go SDK 1.22+ - The URL and credentials to a working MongoDB server - Optional: `make lint` to verify code - `make` - `make install` ## Use A CLI command to find duplicate values in a MongoDB collection. 1. In your working directory, create a `.env` file based on the example provided in [example.env](https://code.osinet.fr/fgm/mongodb_duplicates/raw/main/example.env) 2. Install the `envrun` command to load environment variables from that file: - `go install github.com/fgm/envrun@latest` 3. Adjuster your `.env`. For the first check, configure it for an empty collection in an empty database: - MONGODB_URL: default = `mongodb://localhost:27017` - MONGODB_DB: default = `test` - MONGODB_COLLECTION: default = `test` - MONGODB_FIELD: the duplicate field. Default = `email` 3. Run the command in read-only mode - `$ envrun go run ./docs/osinet/cmd/duplicates` - it should not display anything since the collection is empty 4. Re-run the command with seed generation. The seed data will remain in the collection. - `$ envrun go run ./docs/osinet/cmd/duplicates -command seed` - `user1@example.com: 3` - `user2@example.com: 2` - Resultat show show 3 duplicates of user1 and 2 of user2. 5. Now adjust configuration for the actual collection you want to check. 6. Run the command in read-only mode - `$ envrun go run ./docs/osinet/cmd/duplicates` - It will give you the values of the field for which duplicates exist, and the document count for that value ## License Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.