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Blue Lady: Version originale telle que sur le manuscrit

- principale bizarrerie: le fait que les lignes de flute et basse soient transposees en D
Frederic G. MARAND 12 years ago
1 changed files with 230 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 230 0

+ 230 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+\version "2.10.25"
+@title     Blue lady part 2
+@copyright 1978 (77 ? 79 ?) Frederic G. MARAND
+@license   Tous droits réservés
+@version   2011-11-14
+Le premier thème est depuis souvent une basse de piano et non une voix seule
+\header {
+  title      = "Blue lady"
+  subtitle   = "part 2"
+  composer   = "FGM"
+  copyright  = "ca 1978"
+  %page-top-space = 3\mm
+  between-system-padding = 3\mm
+  between-system-space = 0\mm
+  foot-separation = 0\mm
+  %ragged-bottom = ##t
+  %page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
+  %page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.1
+  %page-count = 1 % works but throws an error !
+% -- Intro
+themeA = {
+  %\mark "themeA"
+  \repeat unfold 2 { e8   e8    e'8   a,8   a'8 c,8   c'8 c,8 }
+  \repeat unfold 2 { fis,8 fis8  fis'8 a,8   a'8 c,8  c'8 c,8 }
+  \repeat unfold 1 { f,8   f8    f'8   a,8   a'8 c,8  c'8 c,8 }
+themeBA = {
+  %\mark "themeBA"
+  a4. c4 b4 a8
+  e'4    d8 c8~      c8 b8~     b8 c16 b16
+  aes4   aes8 e'8~   e4         r4
+  aes,4  aes8 e'8~   e8 aes,8   d8 f8
+  f4     g8   f8~    f8 e8~     e8 f16 e16
+themeBB = {
+  %\mark "themeBB"
+  d8~ d16 c16~   c8 d16 c16
+themeC = {
+  %\mark "themeC"
+  fis4      fis8 c'8~  c8  b8   ees8 c8
+  fis8 dis8 a'8 fis8   c'8 a8   e'8  c8
+  a,4. c8  b4 a8 e'8~
+  e2 r2
+chordsBA = \chordmode {
+  a1:m a1:m
+  e1 e1
+  d1:min d2:min
+chordsC = \chordmode {
+  r1.
+  fis2.:min d2.
+  e2. a2.
+  d2. b2.
+  cis2. fis2.:min
+% Attention, transposition +2
+fluteA = {
+  %\mark "fluteA"
+  b4. e4.     c4.~     c4   c16 b16
+  a4. d4.     b4.~     b4   b16 a16
+  g4. c4 b8   a4 g8    fis4 e8
+  fis4. b4 a8 g4 \times 2/3 { fis16 g16 fis16 } e4 r8
+arpeggioA = {
+  %\mark "arpeggioA"
+  \override Staff.Rest #'style = #'classical
+  r2.^\markup { "Clarinette en H" }
+     r4 r4 r8 r16 cis16
+  a8--_\mf fis8 cis'8   a8-- fis8 d'8       a8-- fis8\< d'8      a8-- fis8 b8\!
+  gis8--_\f e8 b'8      gis8-- e8 cis'8     a8-- e8 cis'8        a8-- e8 a8
+  fis8--\< d8 a'8       fis8-- d8-- b'--\!  fis8--_\ff dis8 b'8  fis8-- dis8\> gis8
+  eis8-- cis8\! gis'8   eis8--_\f cis8 a'8  fis8-- cis8\> a'8    fis8[ cis8 r16 cis'16_\p\!]
+arpeggioB = {
+  a8--_\mf^\markup { \rounded-box { B } }
+     fis8 cis'8   a8-- fis8 d'8       a8-- fis8 d'8        a8-- fis8 b8
+  gis8-- e8 b'8         gis8-- e8 cis'8     a8-- e8 cis'8        a8-- e8 a8
+  fis8-- d8 a'8         fis8-- d8-- b'--    fis8-- dis8 b'8      fis8-- dis8 a'8
+  fis8-- d8 a'8         fis8-- d8 gis8      f8-- cis8 gis'8      f8 cis8 cis'8]
+bassA = {
+  %\mark "bassA"
+  e4.    e4.    a4.   a4.
+  d,4.   d4.    g4.   g4.
+  c,4.   c4.    fis4. fis4.
+  dis4.  dis4.  e4.   e4.
+% === et maintenant la partition proprement dite ======
+  {
+  \new StaffGroup <<
+  \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare
+  \new ChordNames % ---- accords ----------------------
+    {
+    \set chordChanges = ##t
+    % skip themeA
+    R1*5
+    % skip themeBA
+    \chordsBA
+    \chordmode {
+      \repeat unfold 2 c1:dim
+      \repeat unfold 2 a1:m
+    }
+    \chordsC
+  }
+  % -- La ligne d'aigues------------------------------------------------------
+  \unfoldRepeats
+  \new Staff {
+    \tempo 4 = 120
+    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
+    \clef "G"
+    \key c \major
+    \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
+    % FIXME; the F# before 12/8 always appears.
+    \override Staff.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible
+    \time 4/4 \relative c    \themeA  \break % 5*4/4
+    \time 4/4 \relative c''  \themeBA \break % 5*4/4
+    \time 2/4 \relative c''  \themeBB        % 1*2/4
+    \time 4/4 \relative c'   \themeC  \break % 4*4/4
+    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
+    % \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flute"
+    \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
+    \time 12/8
+    \transposition d'
+    \key g \major
+    r1.^\markup {
+      \rounded-box { A } "Flûte"
+    }
+    \relative c'' \fluteA
+  }
+  \unfoldRepeats
+  \new Staff
+    {
+    \tempo 4 = 120
+    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
+    \clef "G"
+    \key a \major
+    \transposition c
+    R1*5 R1*5
+    \time 2/4
+    R2*1
+    \time 4/4
+    R1*4
+    \time 12/8
+    \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
+    \relative c'' \arpeggioA
+    \relative c'' \arpeggioB
+  \unfoldRepeats
+  \new Staff
+    {
+    \tempo 4 = 120
+    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
+    \clef "F"
+    \key g \major
+    \transposition d'
+    R1*5 R1*5
+    \time 2/4
+    R2*1
+    \time 4/4
+    R1*4
+    \time 12/8
+    r1.
+    \relative c \bassA
+    }
+  >>
+  \midi {
+    % tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 180 4)
+    \context {
+      \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer
+    }
+  }
+  \layout {
+    % Use per-staff \mark instead of per-score
+    \context {
+      \Score
+        \remove "Mark_engraver"
+        \remove "Staff_collecting_engraver"
+    }
+    \context {
+      \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
+    }
+    \context {
+      \Score
+        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
+    }
+    \context {
+      \Staff
+        \consists "Mark_engraver"
+        \consists "Staff_collecting_engraver"
+   }
+  }