\version "2.10.25" %{ @title Blue lady part 2 @copyright 1978 (77 ? 79 ?) Frederic G. MARAND @license Tous droits réservés @version 2011-11-14 Le premier thème est depuis souvent une basse de piano et non une voix seule %} \header { title = "Blue lady" subtitle = "part 2" composer = "FGM" copyright = "ca 1978" } \paper{ %page-top-space = 3\mm between-system-padding = 3\mm between-system-space = 0\mm foot-separation = 0\mm %ragged-bottom = ##t %page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t %page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.1 %page-count = 1 % works but throws an error ! } % -- Intro themeA = { %\mark "themeA" \repeat unfold 2 { e8 e8 e'8 a,8 a'8 c,8 c'8 c,8 } \repeat unfold 2 { fis,8 fis8 fis'8 a,8 a'8 c,8 c'8 c,8 } \repeat unfold 1 { f,8 f8 f'8 a,8 a'8 c,8 c'8 c,8 } } themeBA = { %\mark "themeBA" a4. c4 b4 a8 e'4 d8 c8~ c8 b8~ b8 c16 b16 aes4 aes8 e'8~ e4 r4 aes,4 aes8 e'8~ e8 aes,8 d8 f8 f4 g8 f8~ f8 e8~ e8 f16 e16 } themeBB = { %\mark "themeBB" d8~ d16 c16~ c8 d16 c16 } themeC = { %\mark "themeC" fis4 fis8 c'8~ c8 b8 ees8 c8 fis8 dis8 a'8 fis8 c'8 a8 e'8 c8 a,4. c8 b4 a8 e'8~ e2 r2 } chordsBA = \chordmode { a1:m a1:m e1 e1 d1:min d2:min } chordsC = \chordmode { r1. e2.:min c2. d2. g2. c2. a2. b2. e2.:min } fluteA = { %\mark "fluteA" b4. e4. c4.~ c4 c16 b16 a4. d4. b4.~ b4 b16 a16 g4. c4 b8 a4 g8 fis4 e8 fis4. b4 a8 g4 \times 2/3 { fis16 g16 fis16 } e4 r8 } % Attention, transposition -2 arpeggioA = { %\mark "arpeggioA" \override Staff.Rest #'style = #'classical r2.^\markup { "Clarinette en H" } r4 r4 r8 r16 cis16 a8--_\mf fis8 cis'8 a8-- fis8 d'8 a8-- fis8\< d'8 a8-- fis8 b8\! gis8--_\f e8 b'8 gis8-- e8 cis'8 a8-- e8 cis'8 a8-- e8 a8 fis8--\< d8 a'8 fis8-- d8-- b'--\! fis8--_\ff dis8 b'8 fis8-- dis8\> gis8 eis8-- cis8\! gis'8 eis8--_\f cis8 a'8 fis8-- cis8\> a'8 fis8[ cis8 r16 cis'16_\p\!] } % Attention, transposition -2 arpeggioB = { a8--_\mf^\markup { \rounded-box { B } } fis8 cis'8 a8 fis8 d'8 a8 fis8 d'8 a8 fis8 b8 gis8 e8 b'8 gis8 e8 cis'8 a8 e8 cis'8 a8 e8 a8 fis8 d8 a'8 fis8 d8 b' fis8 dis8 b'8 fis8 dis8 a'8 fis8 d8 a'8 fis8 d8 gis8 f8 cis8 gis'8 f8 cis8 cis'8] } bassA = { %\mark "bassA" e4. e4. a4. a4. d,4. d4. g4. g4. c,4. c4. fis4. fis4. dis4. dis4. e4. e4. } % === et maintenant la partition proprement dite ====== \score { \new StaffGroup << \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare \new ChordNames % ---- accords ---------------------- { \set chordChanges = ##t % skip themeA R1*5 % skip themeBA \chordsBA \chordmode { \repeat unfold 2 c1:dim \repeat unfold 2 a1:m } \chordsC } % -- La ligne d'aigues------------------------------------------------------ \unfoldRepeats \new Staff { \tempo 4 = 132 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet" \clef "G" \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible % FIXME; the F# before 12/8 always appears. \override Staff.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible \time 4/4 \relative c \themeA \break % 5*4/4 \time 4/4 \relative c'' \themeBA \break % 5*4/4 \time 2/4 \relative c'' \themeBB % 1*2/4 \time 4/4 \relative c' \themeC \break % 4*4/4 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" % \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flute" \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \time 12/8 %\transposition c \key g \major r1.^\markup { \rounded-box { A } "Flûte" } \relative c'' \fluteA } \unfoldRepeats \new Staff { \tempo 4 = 120 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet" \clef "G" \key a \major \transposition bes R1*5 R1*5 \time 2/4 R2*1 \time 4/4 R1*4 \time 12/8 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \relative c'' \arpeggioA \relative c'' \arpeggioB } \unfoldRepeats \new Staff { \tempo 4 = 120 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \clef "F" \key g \major \transposition c R1*5 R1*5 \time 2/4 R2*1 \time 4/4 R1*4 \time 12/8 r1. \relative c \bassA } >> \midi { % tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 180 4) \context { \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer } } \layout { % Use per-staff \mark instead of per-score \context { \Score \remove "Mark_engraver" \remove "Staff_collecting_engraver" } \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } \context { \Score \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t } \context { \Staff \consists "Mark_engraver" \consists "Staff_collecting_engraver" } } }