Browse Source

- Initial version based on the Code39 custom generator for Elwood dated 2009-03-10, itself
- Elwood generator was in turn based on the Code39 custom generator for Canal55 dated 2005-05-19
- Depends on Turbopower Systools 4.03

Frederic G. Marand 16 years ago
7 changed files with 665 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 39 0
  2. 161 0
  3. 13 0
  4. 267 0
  5. BIN
  6. 118 0
  7. 67 0

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-LE"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
+-LN"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"

+ 161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+[Version Info]
+[Version Info Keys]
+[Excluded Packages]
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclindy70.bpl=Editeurs de comp. & prop. Internet Direct (Indy) D7
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclnet70.bpl=Composant Internet Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclmcn70.bpl=Composants Connexion DataSnap Borland
+C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dclmid70.bpl=Composants MyBase DataAccess Borland
+C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dcldb70.bpl=Composants Base de données Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclsoap70.bpl=Composants SOAP Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclsmp70.bpl=Composants exemple Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcldbx70.bpl=Composants dbExpress Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcldbxcds70.bpl=Composant SimpleDataset Borland (DBX)
+C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dbx70.bpl=Paquet UI de l'explorateur SQL de Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclwbm70.bpl=Composants InternetExpress Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclie70.bpl=Composants Internet Explorer
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\DCLIB70.bpl=Composants Accès données InterBase
+C:\WINDOWS\system32\ibevnt70.bpl=Composant d'alerte d'événement Borland Interbase
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\idl2paswizardpkg.bpl=Paquet Expert IDL2PAS Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclite70.bpl=Environnement de traduction intégré Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclocx70.bpl=Contrôles ActiveX importés exemples Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclwebsnap70.bpl=Composants WebSnap Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclado70.bpl=Composants DB ADO Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclclxdb70.bpl=Composants BD CLX Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclsmpedit70.bpl=Améliorations script Editeur Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\applet70.bpl=Paquet Applet Panneau de configuration Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclemacsedit70.bpl=Améliorations Emacs Editeur Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcl31w70.bpl=Composants compatibilité Delphi 1.0
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\Ciel.bpl=Paquet Ciel Compta/Gescom
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\bin\dclRave70.bpl=Paquet Rave Reports BE 5.0
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\DBWEBXPRT.BPL=Paquet Expert Web Borland
+C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dclbde70.bpl=Composants BD BDE Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcltee70.bpl=Composants TeeChart
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcldss70.bpl=Composants Decision Cube Borland
+c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclofficexp70.bpl=Composants Wrapper Serveur Automation MS Office XP

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program obarcode;
+  Forms,
+  ubarcodeform in 'ubarcodeform.pas' {Form1};
+{$R *.res}
+  Application.Initialize;
+  Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
+  Application.Run;

+ 267 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+[Closed Files]
+File_1=SourceModule,'E:\Src\D32\barcode\Code39 Elwood\ubarcodeform.pas',0,1,1,1,1,1,0
+File_2=SourceModule,'E:\Src\D32\barcode\Code39 Elwood\ubarcodeform.dfm',0,1,1,1,1,0,0
+File_3=SourceModule,'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\source\vcl\Graphics.pas',0,1,3953,18,3981,0,0
+[E:\Src\D32\barcode\Code39 Elwood\ProjectGroup1.bpg]
+[Main Window]


+ 118 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+object Form1: TForm1
+  Left = 288
+  Top = 240
+  Width = 1608
+  Height = 827
+  Caption = 'Form1'
+  Color = clBtnFace
+  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+  Font.Color = clWindowText
+  Font.Height = -11
+  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+  Font.Style = []
+  OldCreateOrder = False
+  OnResize = FormResize
+  PixelsPerInch = 96
+  TextHeight = 13
+  object pnTop: TPanel
+    Left = 0
+    Top = 0
+    Width = 1600
+    Height = 768
+    Align = alClient
+    Caption = 'pnTop'
+    TabOrder = 0
+    object StBarCode1: TStBarCode
+      Left = 1
+      Top = 1
+      Width = 1598
+      Height = 766
+      Align = alClient
+      Color = clWhite
+      Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
+      Font.Color = clWindowText
+      Font.Height = -64
+      Font.Name = 'OCR A Extended'
+      Font.Style = []
+      ParentColor = False
+      ParentFont = False
+      AddCheckChar = True
+      BarCodeType = bcCode128
+      BarColor = clBlack
+      BarToSpaceRatio = 1.000000000000000000
+      BarWidth = 120.000000000000000000
+      BearerBars = False
+      Code = '3418556'
+      Code128Subset = csCodeC
+      ShowCode = True
+      ShowGuardChars = True
+      TallGuardBars = True
+    end
+  end
+  object pnBottom: TPanel
+    Left = 0
+    Top = 768
+    Width = 1600
+    Height = 32
+    Align = alBottom
+    TabOrder = 1
+    object Button1: TButton
+      Left = 240
+      Top = 4
+      Width = 105
+      Height = 25
+      Caption = 'Vers presse papiers'
+      TabOrder = 1
+      OnClick = Button1Click
+    end
+    object ED_Valeur: TEdit
+      Left = 112
+      Top = 6
+      Width = 121
+      Height = 21
+      TabOrder = 0
+      Text = '3418556'
+      OnChange = ED_ValeurChange
+    end
+    object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
+      Left = 352
+      Top = 8
+      Width = 97
+      Height = 17
+      Caption = 'Inclure texte'
+      Checked = True
+      State = cbChecked
+      TabOrder = 2
+      OnClick = CheckBox1Click
+    end
+    object edWidth: TEdit
+      Left = 440
+      Top = 6
+      Width = 121
+      Height = 21
+      TabOrder = 3
+      Text = '120'
+      OnChange = edWidthChange
+    end
+    object udBarWidth: TUpDown
+      Left = 561
+      Top = 6
+      Width = 15
+      Height = 21
+      Associate = edWidth
+      Max = 1000
+      Increment = 10
+      Position = 120
+      TabOrder = 5
+    end
+    object stWidth: TStaticText
+      Left = 8
+      Top = 8
+      Width = 40
+      Height = 17
+      BevelKind = bkSoft
+      Caption = 'stWidth'
+      TabOrder = 4
+    end
+  end

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+unit ubarcodeform;
+  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+  Dialogs, StdCtrls, StBarC, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls;
+  TForm1 = class(TForm)
+    pnTop: TPanel;
+    StBarCode1: TStBarCode;
+    pnBottom: TPanel;
+    Button1: TButton;
+    ED_Valeur: TEdit;
+    CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
+    edWidth: TEdit;
+    udBarWidth: TUpDown;
+    stWidth: TStaticText;
+    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure ED_ValeurChange(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure edWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+  private
+    { Déclarations privées }
+  public
+    { Déclarations publiques }
+  end;
+  Form1: TForm1;
+{$R *.dfm}
+procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+StBarCode1.CopyToClipboard ;
+procedure TForm1.ED_ValeurChange(Sender: TObject);
+StBarCode1.Code := ED_Valeur.Text ;
+procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
+StBarCode1.ShowCode := (sender as TCheckBox).Checked;
+procedure TForm1.edWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
+  begin
+  StBarCode1.BarWidth := StrToFloat((sender as TEdit).Text);
+  end;
+procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+  begin
+  stWidth.Caption := IntToStr(StBarCode1.Width)
+    + 'x'
+    + IntToStr(StBarCode1.Height);
+  end;