Inventory of features in memcache.php Common header: memcache -> author -> (blog address) ================================================================================ OP = 1 ------ (home), ?op=1 Description Overview of the host lists and aggregate stats Refresh Data -> &op=(current op) Update the information and graphs View Host Stats -> &op=1 Return to home page Variables -> &op=2 List of slabs per server with a few stats General Cache Information PHP version on host running the UI Memcached hosts: array of (host):(port) bin definitions -> &singleout=(bin id) Total Memcache Cache: xxx.x MiBytes Memcache Server Information (host):(port) Flush this server -> &op=6&server=(bin id) Start time = (value) Uptime = (value) Memcached Server Version = (value) Used Cache Size = (xxx.x KiBytes) Total Cache Siez = (xx.x MiBytes) (repeat for all bins) Host Status Diagrams Cache usage Pie chart with percentages Free: xxx.x MiBytes (xx.x%) Used: xxx.x KiBytes (x.x%) Hits & misses Bar chart for hits and misses Hits: x (x.x%) Misses: xx (xx.x%) Cache information Current items\(total\) = (value\(total value\)) Hits = (value) Misses = (value) Request rate (hits, misses) = (value) requests/second Hit Rate = (value) requests/second Miss Rate = (value) requests/second Set Rate = (value) requests/second &singleout=(bin id) Same as home, but list limited to 1 bin Additional in the General Cache Information: \(all servers\) -> \? ================================================================================ OP = 2 ------ ?op=2 Description: List of slabs per server with a few stats Bin(n) Host:port (Slab id) -> &op=2&server=(bin id)&dumpslab=(slab id) slab id, item count age evicted Y/N (repeat for all slabs on bin) (repeat for all bins) ?&op=2&server=(bin id)&dumplab=(slab id) Same as ?op=2 except for selected slab id (slab id) Item count: (value) Age: (value) Evicted: (Yes|No) Items: item (key) -> &op=4&server=(bin id)&key=(base64_encode(urlencode(key)) (repeat for all keys in slab) ================================================================================ OP = 4 ------ &op=4&server=(bin id)&key=(base64_encode(urlencode(key)) Description: Value display Server: (host:port) Key: (value) flag: (flag value) Size: xx.x KiBytes Value: (value) Delete: -> &op=5&server=(bin id)&key=(base64_encode(urlencode(key)) Remarque: ne valide pas l'existence de la clef, se contente de la décoder de l'URL ================================================================================ OP = 5 ------ &op=5&server=(bin id)&key=(base64_encode(urlencode(key)) Deleting (key): DELETED|NOT FOUND