ClassInstance = new ClassInstance(/* parameters */); } /** * Cleans up the environment after running a test. */ protected function tearDown() { // TODO Auto-generated ClassInstanceTest::tearDown() $this->ClassInstance = null; parent::tearDown(); } /** * Constructs the test case. */ public function __construct() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor } /** * Tests ClassInstance->__construct() */ public function test__construct() { // TODO Auto-generated ClassInstanceTest->test__construct() $this->markTestIncomplete("__construct test not implemented"); $this->ClassInstance->__construct(/* parameters */); } /** * Tests ClassInstance->basicAttributes() */ public function testBasicAttributes() { // TODO Auto-generated ClassInstanceTest->testBasicAttributes() $this->markTestIncomplete("basicAttributes test not implemented"); $this->ClassInstance->basicAttributes(/* parameters */); } }