5.0 KB

  1. \version "2.10.25"
  2. %{
  3. @title Blue lady part 2
  4. @copyright 1978 (77 ? 79 ?) Frederic G. MARAND
  5. @license Tous droits réservés
  6. @version 2011-11-14
  7. Le premier thème est depuis souvent une basse de piano et non une voix seule
  8. %}
  9. \header {
  10. title = "Blue lady"
  11. subtitle = "part 2"
  12. composer = "FGM"
  13. copyright = "ca 1978"
  14. }
  15. \paper{
  16. %page-top-space = 3\mm
  17. between-system-padding = 3\mm
  18. between-system-space = 0\mm
  19. foot-separation = 0\mm
  20. %ragged-bottom = ##t
  21. %page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
  22. %page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.1
  23. %page-count = 1 % works but throws an error !
  24. }
  25. % -- Intro
  26. themeA = {
  27. %\mark "themeA"
  28. \repeat unfold 2 { e8 e8 e'8 a,8 a'8 c,8 c'8 c,8 }
  29. \repeat unfold 2 { fis,8 fis8 fis'8 a,8 a'8 c,8 c'8 c,8 }
  30. \repeat unfold 1 { f,8 f8 f'8 a,8 a'8 c,8 c'8 c,8 }
  31. }
  32. themeBA = {
  33. %\mark "themeBA"
  34. a4. c4 b4 a8
  35. e'4 d8 c8~ c8 b8~ b8 c16 b16
  36. aes4 aes8 e'8~ e4 r4
  37. aes,4 aes8 e'8~ e8 aes,8 d8 f8
  38. f4 g8 f8~ f8 e8~ e8 f16 e16
  39. }
  40. themeBB = {
  41. %\mark "themeBB"
  42. d8~ d16 c16~ c8 d16 c16
  43. }
  44. themeC = {
  45. %\mark "themeC"
  46. fis4 fis8 c'8~ c8 b8 ees8 c8
  47. fis8 dis8 a'8 fis8 c'8 a8 e'8 c8
  48. a,4. c8 b4 a8 e'8~
  49. e2 r2
  50. }
  51. chordsBA = \chordmode {
  52. a1:m a1:m
  53. e1 e1
  54. d1:min d2:min
  55. }
  56. chordsC = \chordmode {
  57. r1.
  58. e2.:min c2.
  59. d2. g2.
  60. c2. a2.
  61. b2. e2.:min
  62. }
  63. fluteA = {
  64. %\mark "fluteA"
  65. b4. e4. c4.~ c4 c16 b16
  66. a4. d4. b4.~ b4 b16 a16
  67. g4. c4 b8 a4 g8 fis4 e8
  68. fis4. b4 a8 g4 \times 2/3 { fis16 g16 fis16 } e4 r8
  69. }
  70. % Attention, transposition -2
  71. arpeggioA = {
  72. %\mark "arpeggioA"
  73. \override Staff.Rest #'style = #'classical
  74. r2.^\markup { "Clarinette en H" }
  75. r4 r4 r8 r16 cis16
  76. a8--_\mf fis8 cis'8 a8-- fis8 d'8 a8-- fis8\< d'8 a8-- fis8 b8\!
  77. gis8--_\f e8 b'8 gis8-- e8 cis'8 a8-- e8 cis'8 a8-- e8 a8
  78. fis8--\< d8 a'8 fis8-- d8-- b'--\! fis8--_\ff dis8 b'8 fis8-- dis8\> gis8
  79. eis8-- cis8\! gis'8 eis8--_\f cis8 a'8 fis8-- cis8\> a'8 fis8[ cis8 r16 cis'16_\p\!]
  80. }
  81. % Attention, transposition -2
  82. arpeggioB = {
  83. a8--_\mf^\markup { \rounded-box { B } }
  84. fis8 cis'8 a8 fis8 d'8 a8 fis8 d'8 a8 fis8 b8
  85. gis8 e8 b'8 gis8 e8 cis'8 a8 e8 cis'8 a8 e8 a8
  86. fis8 d8 a'8 fis8 d8 b' fis8 dis8 b'8 fis8 dis8 a'8
  87. fis8 d8 a'8 fis8 d8 gis8 f8 cis8 gis'8 f8 cis8 cis'8]
  88. }
  89. bassA = {
  90. %\mark "bassA"
  91. e4. e4. a4. a4.
  92. d,4. d4. g4. g4.
  93. c,4. c4. fis4. fis4.
  94. dis4. dis4. e4. e4.
  95. }
  96. % === et maintenant la partition proprement dite ======
  97. \score
  98. {
  99. \new StaffGroup <<
  100. \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare
  101. \new ChordNames % ---- accords ----------------------
  102. {
  103. \set chordChanges = ##t
  104. % skip themeA
  105. R1*5
  106. % skip themeBA
  107. \chordsBA
  108. \chordmode {
  109. \repeat unfold 2 c1:dim
  110. \repeat unfold 2 a1:m
  111. }
  112. \chordsC
  113. }
  114. % -- La ligne d'aigues------------------------------------------------------
  115. \unfoldRepeats
  116. \new Staff {
  117. \tempo 4 = 132
  118. \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
  119. \clef "G"
  120. \key c \major
  121. \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
  122. % FIXME; the F# before 12/8 always appears.
  123. \override Staff.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible
  124. \time 4/4 \relative c \themeA \break % 5*4/4
  125. \time 4/4 \relative c'' \themeBA \break % 5*4/4
  126. \time 2/4 \relative c'' \themeBB % 1*2/4
  127. \time 4/4 \relative c' \themeC \break % 4*4/4
  128. \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
  129. % \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flute"
  130. \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  131. \time 12/8
  132. %\transposition c
  133. \key g \major
  134. r1.^\markup {
  135. \rounded-box { A } "Flûte"
  136. }
  137. \relative c'' \fluteA
  138. }
  139. \unfoldRepeats
  140. \new Staff
  141. {
  142. \tempo 4 = 120
  143. \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
  144. \clef "G"
  145. \key a \major
  146. \transposition bes
  147. R1*5 R1*5
  148. \time 2/4
  149. R2*1
  150. \time 4/4
  151. R1*4
  152. \time 12/8
  153. \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  154. \relative c'' \arpeggioA
  155. \relative c'' \arpeggioB
  156. }
  157. \unfoldRepeats
  158. \new Staff
  159. {
  160. \tempo 4 = 120
  161. \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  162. \clef "F"
  163. \key g \major
  164. \transposition c
  165. R1*5 R1*5
  166. \time 2/4
  167. R2*1
  168. \time 4/4
  169. R1*4
  170. \time 12/8
  171. r1.
  172. \relative c \bassA
  173. }
  174. >>
  175. \midi {
  176. % tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 180 4)
  177. \context {
  178. \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer
  179. }
  180. }
  181. \layout {
  182. % Use per-staff \mark instead of per-score
  183. \context {
  184. \Score
  185. \remove "Mark_engraver"
  186. \remove "Staff_collecting_engraver"
  187. }
  188. \context {
  189. \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
  190. }
  191. \context {
  192. \Score
  193. \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
  194. }
  195. \context {
  196. \Staff
  197. \consists "Mark_engraver"
  198. \consists "Staff_collecting_engraver"
  199. }
  200. }
  201. }